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Concurency and Parallelism

While concurrency and parallelism may sound similar (and in fact, are sometimes used interchangably both in normal and in computer contexts), the two terms actually are not the same. In this post, I will explain each of the terms’ origin, how different they are and why are they oftenly used incorrectly.

By its definition, a computer is a machine which computes, so it’s not a surprise that the CPU, which stands for central processing unit (and which we normally refer to as a computer chip) is the most important element of the machine. The part which deals with computational tasks inside a CPU is called the ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit), which basically computes everything in binary logic by lighting up some of its light bulbs and shutting down the others. It’s quite a simplified explanation of how CPU works, but the part we’re interested here is that at one particular time, it can only handle one computation, hence it computes and transfers the data back-and-forth to the memory (either the chip’s cache or the RAM) continuously. That means that by design, CPU computation is consequentially, and there’s no way we can expect to run two computations in the same CPU at the same time.

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Concurency and Parallelism

While concurrency and parallelism may sound similar (and in fact, are sometimes used interchangably …

(1091 words)

Life Is a Big Game P2: Facing your big monsters

Some weeks ago, I wrote a post called Life is a Big Game, in which I described some lessons I …

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Coding Pattern: Check at Least One

Today we’ll discuss a somewhat technical issue that I bumped into a few days ago: what is the …

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Life Is a Big Game

I’m on vacation this week, and similar to vacations of everyone else living in a semi-lockdown …

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Some updates on Flappy Bird Clone With Golang tutorial (p4)


Sorry for having been deferring this project for quite some time, I just moved to a new …

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Coding Is Like Cooking, or How Learning Works

The featured image of this post is the Hainanese Chicken Rice I made right after watching a Youtube …

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Create a Flappy Bird Clone With Golang P3

I hope that by trying removals and changing parameters, you have figured out what these lines of …

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Create a Flappy Bird Clone With Golang P2

Last time, we stopped at mentioning that there are three functions needed for the game loop: …

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Create a Flappy Bird Clone With Golang P1

This weekend I decided to start another tutorial series in this blog, as I did learn a lot during …

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Prepare for Failures

Yesterday I was watching this TEDx video by Mark Rober about something he called “The Super …

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