About Me
Hi, I’m Huy.
I’m a self-taught software developer living in Helsinki, Finland.
Having a background in Finance and Economics, I started learning programming at the age of 26. It was the time when I was completely lost: I got out of college to jump from job to job so dead-end and not at all like I was imagining, so I decided to go abroad for a Master’s degree, only to figure out that things were not so much different no matter how many certificates I got. I got panicked to realize I started my late-20s in a far country with no relatives, no job, no money and no direction on career (I was not sure if I could graduate my degree either). It was a very scary feeling.
About one year later, I got my job as a Software Developer.
That was one hell of an adventure for me, in which I achieved big success, but also bumped into several problems because I was naive and lost. Luckily, I survived, and just then I realized how fortunate I was to be able to summon enough strength to do all of these things, and how many lessons I have learned along the way. Even though I did a good job, I realized that I could have done better, and the process could have been much less painful if I knew some things I know today. That’s why I think it’s important that I share all of these experience with other people, especially those who may be in the same situation I was before and thinking of doing some big changes. That was why this blog was created.
I hope that you will enjoy reading the blog, as much as I am enjoying writing it. If you have any feedback, please not hesitate to drop me an email.
Best, Huy