
More on Virtual Functions in C++

Last time, we have talked about Virtual Functions in C++, and get to know the keyword virtual, which must be set on the parent class’ functions that may be overidden by the children classes, or else the child’s versions of those functions may not be called at runtime (instead, the parent class’ versions would be called). As there are still more stuff I find complicating about this topic, I want to write another part to clarify it out, first to myself, and hopefully it can help some others as well.

Virtual Functions in Cpp

This week, I decided to start off a series of mini posts, which is called “The Weeklies”. It’s based on the ideas of The Dailies, an article I stumbled into while trying to find stuff that can help me improve my C++ level. I don’t really have time to do this thing daily, and with the remote working situation, it’s not realistic to do that in the office either, so I decided to give it a try with weekly (or as frequent as I can) posts on my blog.