
The Language of Vim

After the short introduction of VIM, I hope I did persuade you to start using this awesome editor to replace any bloated software you have been using. However, I understand that it can be difficult to get started, and the vimtutor might not work for everyone. Back when I first started using VIM, I was in the same position, and the only thing that kept me from giving up on it was simply because I couldn’t run VSCode or Atom on the remote super computer at work.

VIM - the Best Editor for Everyone

In this blog, so far I have talked about minimal software, about command line interface, and most importantly, about how not using your mouse is good for productivity. cased those “principles” that (I hope) we’ve come to an agree, now is the time to discuss something more practical, starting with: what text editor we should use? In this post, I want to introduce to you a little bit about one of the best options you can go with: VIM.

How to Make Your Mouse Obsolete

In the post about command-line interface, I discussed briefly on the slowness of computer mouse in comparison with using keyboard, and argued that your workflow would be much more smoothly and faster if you could ditch your mouse and work fully using your keyboard. Well, one could say it is a unrealistic and stupid idea: mouse was invented for a reason, and that reason is that you can’t do everything with your keyboard.

Let's Talk More About Bloated Software

In the last post, I briefly mentioned how much bloated general software have become over the years. Let’s talk about it in details to see the whole situation. To be clear, I’m not criticizing the big tech companies for any of their work: as businesses they need to generate profits, and their work benefits other people, too. No matter what their reasons are, what they do creates a world where the efforts we need to use technology is minimized, and that’s a good thing.

Minimal Software and Why They Are Good

Hi, today I want to talk about a topic that is quite commonly discussed everywhere nowadays: minimalism. Well, not the minimalist lifestyle in general, but about minimalism in software. What is software minimalism? According to Wikipedia, minimalism in computing refers to “application of minimalist philosophies and principles in design and use of hardware and software.” The result of applying minimalism in software design is applications that are lightweight, fast and reliable.